“NMR Based Authentication of Nutraceuticals, Herbal Supplements, and Food Additives: Economic- and Efficacy-Driven Adulteration of Aloe Vera, Herbal Erectile Dysfunction Supplements, and Acacia Gum”, John C. Edwards, invited presentation at the 2nd PANIC, Charlotte, NC, February 3-5, 2014.
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“Development of an Automated Complex Mixture Analysis qNMR Method within Mestrelab MNova – Application to Aloe Vera and the Beer Brewing Process”, John C. Edwards, Adam J. Dicaprio, Michael A. Bernstein, presented at the 2nd PANIC, Charlotte, NC, February 3-5, 2014.
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“Small Molecule Chemistry of Spontaneously Fermented Coolship Ales”, Adam J. Dicaprio, John C. Edwards, presented at the 2nd PANIC, Charlotte, NC, February 3-5, 2014.
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“Liquid and Solid-State 1H, 13C, and 11B qNMR Analysis of Fruitex-B®– A Calcium Fructoborate Comple: Chemical Structure and identification, quantitative analysis and stability study”, Boris Nemzer, John C. Edwards, presented at the 2nd PANIC, Charlotte, NC, February 3-5, 2014.
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