I was just asked by Roberto Gil (Carnegie Mellon) to pull together a special issue if Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry” on the topic of Benchtop NMR. I will personally be hitting up everyone I know who is working in this area to provide technical papers on their work in this area. I also wanted to extend an invitation to the members of this group to submit a paper for this special issue.
All topics will be considered but I would like to stay away from “traditional” 1H TD-NMR and restrict 1H TD-NMR applications to new approaches. On the high resolution side (45, 60, 80 MHz) I am hoping that applications with some real meat might be submitted rather than brochure type papers with just spectra of solvents and small molecules.
Please feel free to contact me directly if you have ideas on submissions. My contact information is listed below.
John C. Edwards, Ph.D.
Manager, Process and Analytical NMR Services
Process NMR Associates, LLC
87A Sand Pit Rd, Danbury, CT 06810, USA
Tel: +1 (203) 744-5905 Cell: +1 (203) 241-0143
Skype: jcepna
e-mail: john@process-nmr.com