Process NMR Associates has just finished completion of a complete update and expansion of the NMR facilities at it’s Danbury CT location. The faithful Varian Unity-300 spectrometer has been replaced by a Mercury-300 VX spectrometer and a second 300 MHz Mercury Plus system has been installed. This second 300 MHz NMR includes PFG and an indirect detection probe. These instruments compliment a Varian UnityPlus-200 spectrometer equipped with a 7 mm Solid-State MAS probe for analysis of solid materials. The doubling of the liquid-state NMR capacity will allow rapid turnaround of all sample submissions and expand the experimental capabilities of the facility.
Process NMR Associates is a private corporation providing analytical NMR services and consulting since 1997. The NMR facility in Danbury includes two 300 MHz, one 200 MHz, and two 60 MHz high resolution NMR spectrometers. The facility also houses a 10mm, 18mm, and 40mm TD-NMR facility for relaxation studies. The company also has gas chromatography, micro-ESR, and FTIR-ATR capabilities. For details of the analytical services provided please contact John Edwards.