I have been invited to be a guest editor for Wiley publishing to pull together 2 special issues of Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. I am putting out a general “call for papers” but I will harass people personally. We are looking for 10-20 papers for each issue.
The deadline for submission of the papers is June 30 so no-one has an excuse that there isn’t enough time. I do ask that you email me at the contact below to let me know that you are thinking of submitting and a title would be nice also (though I won’t hold you to it). We hope to have the review and revide papers (if necessary) by late October and then publish by December 2014.
The first will be on high resolution benchtop NMR in which I would like to include all permanent magnet systems capable of obtaining a spectrum. This is an open invitation to all the vendors and their customers of (in no particular order) Anasazi, Nanalysis, One Resonance Sensors, Magritek/ACT, Aspect, Qualion, Picospin, Resonance Systems, Oxford Instruments, Bruker, home built devices, I would also make the exception that HTS systems be included as they are also cryogen free.
Any papers on spectrometers, magnets, educational, industrial, academic applications, chemometrics, automated approaches, reaction monitoring, online/at-line utilization, 2D NMR, combined spectral/relaxation applications.
The second will be on low resolution benchtop NMR but I would like to exclude applications that have been around for decades (H content, SFC, oil content, spin finish). I would like to encourage new applications to be submitted and they should include hardware, magnets, spectrometers, probes, 1D/2D Laplace inversion (I’d love a review/overview of that software aspect), applications. Again – all vendors and all users of commercial and home grown benchtop TD-NMR systems please submit.
We’re looking for articles on FPGA spectrometers, software approaches (1D/2D Laplace, chemometrics), magnet design and construction, dedicated rheology analysis instruments, field cycling NMR, unilateral NMR, core analyzers, applications of all whether educational, academic, industrial.
The types of articles can be Reviews, Mini-Reviews, Tutorial, Historical, Spotlight, Perspective, Communication, Article, Application Note, Case Report, Spectral Assignments, Correspondence.
Here is the official word on the use of color (note you can have all the color figures you wish in the online version but the print version is restricted): two colour illustrations per submission are allowed free of charge, however further colour illustrations are allowed at the Editors discretion and where they are justified. Authors can have as much colour as they like in the online version as the restrictions are just for the print version.
Please contact me directly if you would like to make a submission of your work to either of the two issues: john@process-nmr.com
I have posted the authors instructions for special Issues that I was given on my website at:
The MRC author guidelines can be found at: