Presented at Marist College, Poughkeepsie
September 23, 2009
A Self-Employed Application Chemists Odyssey in the World of Analytical Instrument Development The Viability of a $50K High Resolution NMR and $15K ESR Spectrometers
By John C. Edwards, Ph.D.
Process NMR Associates, LLC, Danbury CT
The availability of cheap commodity electronics developed for the cellular phone industry is revolutionizing the design of NMR and ESR spectrometers. Rather than instruments that fill half a room, cost $200-3,000K+, and intimidate users, it is possible to produce spectrometers that are an order of magnitude cheaper to produce. Examples of NMR and ESR spectrometer development projects will be described as well as the wide-ranging applications that these spectrometers can deliver to the areas or process control, food authentification and automated laboratory analysis.
John Edwards was born and raised in Bolton, UK. He graduated from the University of Durham, UK with a B.Sc. in Chemistry in 1986. He obtained his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of South Carolina in 1990, working on solid-state NMR applied to heterogeneous catalysts under the guidance of Professor Paul Ellis. From 1990-1997 he worked as a research chemist at the Texaco R&D facilityin Beacon, NY where he was responsible for global NMR support of upstream, downstream, and petrochemical Texaco ventures. In 1997 he formed Process NMR Associates which operates as a commercial analytical NMR spectroscopy service and consultancy. Process NMR Associates along with its engineering company partners, develops, markets, and supports on-line process NMR spectrometers utilized for control and optimization of refinery, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and food manufacturing operations. The company also acts as an application development company for several analytical instrument companies and supports the chemometric development of several process analytical products. He currently resides in Poughkeepsie, NY, with his wife and 3 sons. He is an affiliate professor of Chemistry at Marist College, a Research Associate at SUNY New Paltz, and an active member of the American Chemical Society.
A copy of the presentation can be provided on request… contact John Edwards if interested.