Press Release – NMR Process Systems – Danbury CT – September 25, 2007
Process NMR Associates, LLC and Resonance Systems Ltd Develop Replacement NMR Spectrometer for Oxford QP-20 TD-NMR Analyzer
In a joint development effort Process NMR Associates and Resonance Systems Ltd have developed a replacement NMR spectrometer for the Oxford QP-20 TD-NMR analyzer. The spectrometer allows complete replacement of the QP-20 NMR system while retaining the use of the original QP-20 magnet and probe configuration. The product allows state of the art digital NMR technology to be applied to TD-NMR methodologies and also provides the advantages of a windows computer system over the original paper cartridge output of the QP-20 NMR console. Customers who have malfunctioning QP-20 NMR systems can obtain a modern digital NMR system within 8 weeks of order and for less than $16,000.
The modular design of the Spin Track TD-NMR systems allows our engineers to develop replacement systems for all benchtop NMR systems such as those marketed by Oxford Instruments, Bruker Minispec, and Resonance Systems. Contact us if you have a non-functioning system that might be a candidate for the Spin Track upgrade.