CDU Rundown Analysis By Process 1H NMR Spectroscopy
This application marketed by NMR Process Systems LLC
In several locations the process NMR unit is monitoring CDU rundown products. In some facilities we are monitoring distillates only (Kero, diesel, AGO), in others we are monitoring naphthas and distillates (light/med/heavy naphtha, kero, lgo, ago), and in one facility we are monitoring heavy naphtha, kero and crude.
As in all on-line NMR applications the most important aspect to the success of the project is sampling. Obtaining a good, clean sample at a temperature where there is no wax deposition or sediment fallout is key.
Parameters Provided:
Naphthas : Density, PIONA, Flash, D86 Distillation (T10, T50, T90, T95)
Heavy Naphtha: Density, PIONA, Flash, D86 Distillation (T10, T50, T90, T95)
Kerosene : API Gravity, Cetane Index, Flash, D86 Distillation (T10, T50, T90), Freeze, Naphthalenes
Diesel/LGO : API Gravity, Cetane Index, Flash, D86 Distillation (T10, T50, T90, T95, EP), Pour Point, Cloud Point, Viscosity
AGO : API Gravity, SimDis Distillation (T10, T50, T90)
Below are several examples of on-line data obtained on CDU rundowns over a 12 hour period.
For more information on this topic please contact: John Edwards